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  • Projects:
  • keyboards
  • linux theming

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  • This is the lil logo that I started using as a recognisable lil mark on all the projects and works I have and will make, and i mean come on - its just a lil creature :^).

    For what i can recall this mainly started after I saw this graffitti scrawlled on a trashcan the intersection of Thomson Ave & Van Dam St in Queens. I remeber seeing it for the first tiem and pointing saying "thats me lol" and taking a picture.

    That image now being hand in hand with me as justa tall creature led to my partner making this in a friends MC server, soon after i got into wanting to make a sticker after going on a trip to germany and seeing just how many places like lampposts and building corners where covered in peoples sticker designs.

    That then led to the lil critter i now use for everything, but not without some trial and error and some itterative design ideas.

    I wanted to keep the simple pixel design but I am an absolute sucker for rounded edges and simple lines so i rounded the corners and also merged as many long lines as i could into big long lines and the result is the below image, I also had the idea for giving it the '^' happy eyes just as a little extra flair to it than the beady stairing eyes

    context menu coming soon