hai welcome to my everything page,this is your mainstay for most things me.
its good to have a central loction for most of this stuff so here it all is,
broken down into a bunch of sub cataegorys for easier parusing
├─>home | this page | |
├─>about | the about page | |
└─>contact | contant me if you want idk |
├─>keyboards | a collection of keyboards that im developing with all differnt sizes and styles. collection is ever growing | |
└─>linux theming | some theme(s) that im developing a custom linux environment |
├─>photos | this page has all my photos | |
├─>designs | all the lil designs ive made over the past few years as well as fun little experiments in creativity that ive conjured | |
├─>cameras | the collection of gear that I use for all my photo stuff | |
├─>MiniDisc | the collection of my music/playlists that I have dubbed to MD | |
└─>software | mostly anything I might have made or found helpful/useful that I might need at a moments notice |
context menu coming soon